Welcome to our slightly tongue in cheek horoscope & astrology forecast which includes the odd shopping list and what may be happening in the rest of life too! Written (badly) by Lily’s mum who is a bit obsessed with astrology. If you see her coming, cross the road - she won’t mind, she’s an Aquarian.
Fabulous Sun-ruled Leo. The only sign which is ruled by the shiny hot star at the centre of our solar system. This lends Leo people star power and they are usually found in the centre of all goings on in their locality.
They make excellent leaders because they are excellent at bringing out the best in the other people around them. People trust Leo to lead as they want everyone to feel the glow they naturally feel and want to spread around. They are fun, confident, generous and able to make things happen. They also like to party - sounds like the perfect leader to me.
The only thing to avoid is upsetting Leo pride - this is connected to their regal, courageous heart and they really feel hurt if their pride is wounded in any way…watch out for a big paw response!
They are also super creative people with all that exuberant energy, especially the more shy variety of DandeLion (yes, there are some!) who will choose to be the fashion designer rather than the supermodel.
With Pluto in opposition to their sign (for 20 years - sorry Leo) from their opposite sign of Aquarius, Leo’s may be experiencing a lot of change in their lives and may be finding adapting and finding new paths a rather daunting experience - being a fixed sign. Lion people like to rule their territory and really don’t like having to move on and establish their pride elsewhere in a changing world. As Pluto starts to move fully into Aquarius our Leo loved ones will have figured it all out and be forging ahead with their usual starlike charisma and charm.
What will Leo Season bring? Well, as I write this (19th July) I am watching the ‘blue screen of death’ IT outage on the TV. I am pretty sure this is being triggered by the upcoming full moon in Capricorn on 21st July. It isn’t a Blue Moon unfortunately (2 consecutive full moons in the same month), but it is the second of two full moons in the same sign. This moon it is a strawberry moon so called because it was to do with the harvesting time of strawberries. It is also called the Honey Moon in European tradition as it was the time to make Mead which is a honey-based drink and may be where the term Honeymoon came from as couples often married in late June / July and this moon was the first full moon after the marriage. Anyway it certainly feels like we are experiencing a once in a Blue Moon situation being triggered by that full moon energy. We also have Mars move into Gemini on 20th July (the day before the full moon) which is adding to the
atmosphere of sudden CHANGE - global outage. I nearly wrote global outrage (Mars) which may well follow when we all start talking (Gemini) about this event.
I had written (before turning on the TV) that as this moon is so powerful it will colour the astrological weather for the whole season and that, with the Sun in the Full Moon chart opposing Pluto, the thunderclouds will be gathering on the horizon. With this blue screen or BS (ha!) situation, I think we will probably be dealing with some fallout / failings / frustration / financial stress coming from trying to fix it and also worrying about what the Moon is showing us about our dependency on tech - so certainly something that is clouding the horizon of our lives.
The important thing to remember with all the astro currently is that we are being shown and given a lot to think about by the Universe, but it is meant kindly (and hopefully we will see it as such in time) and intended as an awakening, or a nudge about the best way forward for us all, both individually and collectively.
(I am only mentioning the moons or major days this month as all the astro is telling us the same thing, more or less, with so many of the aspects being formed so far this year).
JULY 22nd - SUN into LEO
With the arrival of the summer (hopefully!) we enter the fire sign of Leo. We can expect the drama dial to go up with the temperature, but with holiday time upon us too we will also be making time for some well deserved enjoyment with our families, friends and neighbours and our attention possibly shifting even wider to National concerns too - respect for others will be important with the Sun in Leo… no pride wounding or noses out of joint this month please!
We will be searching for the spotlight in some aspect of our lives but this year the emphasis will be on how we can feel compassion and share that spotlight with others at the same time. This month will be about shifting our attitudes from single mindedness (the Lion King sunning himself on that rock above the others) to group frameworks and how to care for the pride or tribe. With the Olympics happening this month it will be an interesting illustration of individual achievement combined with team achievement. My garden is full of beautiful huge bumble bees this year which is very unusual after years of worrying about the decline of bees, and is a constant reminder of how honey is being made through teamwork.
It’s also a time to realise the freedom in being able to let go of some things or attitudes which don’t fit anymore and which are weighing us down. Finding the strength to realise and adapt to not being able to control some situations, people, or events. With Mars now in Gemini we may find we just feel a bit lighter and able to introduce a more playful approach or new aspects to life.
Shopping List - Buckets, spades, sports equipment, lightweight and colourful clothing, honey.

Boyfriend Socks in Orange by Le Bon Shoppe - £14.50
This New Moon should be a nice one! The Sun and Moon are connecting sweetly to Jupiter and Mars in Gemini and should have a celebratory feel with lots of social activity and good connections being made.
With Mercury about to turn retrograde the next day it is a good time to ditch some stuff before the retro period has us rethinking, reshuffling and redoing. If you can’t bear to lose anything or simply can’t free yourself up in any way then it’s time to readjust your thinking towards those things so they don’t feel like such a burden or perhaps deal with them in a different more liberating way by storing them in clever and beautiful ways… even if that means mental compartmentalisation - ask
your Gemini people about how to do this.
We may be reassessing our ways of making money and looking to make more but in a more relaxing or pleasurable way. Look at savings and investments or perhaps think about investing more in ourselves or our businesses. This is positive energy for planning changes and if you are still confused about direction (yes, a lot of us still are including me!), then watch for signs or events which may be showing you the way. Learn to listen to the subconscious messages which you are
receiving via these planets' whisperings.
Shopping List - Storage items, notebooks, calculator, anything with a feline on it.

Cafe De Paris Retro Storage Tins (Set of 2) by Rex London - £11
AUGUST 5TH - MERCURY goes retrograde from VIRGO to LEO till Aug 29th
Make way for some new exciting plans to take shape by starting to clear the home or personal life of things or habits which are getting in the way of the new energies. This is time to slow down a bit to think and travel light. By the time Mercury has finished going backwards at the end of August, we should be ready to start pushing ahead in a more strategic manner having looked at all the details and done all the maths. With Saturn so strong during this Mercury retrograde it really will
pay to dig deep into all those nitty, gritty details.
There is a lot of astrological support for making good connections to helpful people and for forming teams of people to provide strong foundations for pushing forward when all the reviewing has been accomplished - if it all feels daunting remember to have some rewards handy for those moments of fearfulness!
Shopping List - Bin bags and treats!

Cinnamon Roll Dark Chocolate by Coco Chocolatier - £5.50
AUGUST 14TH / 15TH - MARS conjunct JUPITER in GEMINI, MERCURY retro’s into LEO
This is when things may start to take shape, consolidate or go totally bonkers! We may be seeing who or what has the power in our lives and if any of that power belongs to us. With Mars and Jupiter in Gemini we will be wanting to take some action and the answer will be in looking for the hard facts of a situation first. We have a lot of planetary support for being able to see the light through the trees of the forest and spotting the path through them at last!
Shopping List - Mirrors for spreading that light widely and glasses for celebrating finding the missing piece of our plan or lego collection.
AUGUST 19th - FULL MOON in Aquarius, so many aspects so, in order of happening MERCURY cazimi the SUN, MOON trine JUPITER, VENUS square JUPITER, MOON trine MARS, VENUS opposes SATURN, MOON opposes MERCURY, SUN square URANUS, MOON square URANUS, FULL MOON in Aquarius, MOON moves into PISCES…phew!!
Well this is one helluva FULL moon. There is so much happening it may feel very intense, but the message is still the same and this day will feel like the Universe is shouting it to us!
We start the day with a lovely Cazimi, which is where Mercury goes into the heart of the Sun to convey the wisdom of life itself to us through its’ messenger planet Mercury, the planet which lies closest to the Sun. This is the day halfway through all Mercury retrogrades where we start to get a real feeling for the direction of travel. You have to take some time out to listen to that message… but we will be feeling very intuitive which should help. I will probably be hiding in bed all day so I should be able to hear it (kidding! This Moon is not for sissies! ). Just try to be quiet in a
cool place for as long as you can before the clamouring drives you back out to sort out whatever calamities are leaping about out there. Some things which started in mid -J uly could come to a culmination or take off so we must bear in mind some of these changes and shocks could be positive!
But shocks should be anticipated as this Aquarius moon is ruled by Uranus, and Saturn, the other ruler of Aquarius, will want some rules in place for changing strategies… even if we have to turn on a sixpence. The unexpected will be happening. Not necessarily on this day but certainly around the date of this full moon. It could be political happenings or there could be big pow-wows around
your family, groups, work, finances etc. The message is CHANGE (Uranus) but these changes must go hand in hand with abiding by the rules (Saturn) or perhaps making some rules for ourselves or creating boundaries which will protect us from overload (Jupiter).
Luckily Venus is active and will be trying to make peace or asking Venus ruled people to act as mediators - that’s Libra, Libra rising, Taurus, Taurus rising folk. I think Sagittarians and Aquarians may have to be called in with oranges and freshly made lemonade at half-time! Maybe Pisces will be hosing us down at full time.
Shopping List - Jugs for the lemonade, a large candle to give thanks to the moon, anything gold or blue in colour, jewellery with stars, moons or hearts on.

Jasmine & Tuberose Scented Candle by Plum & Ashby - £32

Moon & Star Crystal Stud Earrings by Lisa Angel - £20
SOMETHING TO REMEMBER if panic takes hold…
The big 3 outer planets URANUS / NEPTUNE / PLUTO will all be making harmonious aspects over the next few years in order to help us make the changes we need and will be giving us help to put in place the structures we need to carry these changes through… they are already working away at this. We may feel their shadow sides during this time such as the fear Neptune can bring, the dark emptiness of Pluto which may seem to engulf us, and the chaos of sudden change brought by Uranus which messes badly with us from time to time. But life has always been this way. This is one of those peak change periods which have happened many times before such as the Industrial Revolution - we adjusted, like we always do.