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Helioscope - Pisces Season

Helioscope - Pisces Season

Welcome to our slightly tongue in cheek astrology forecast which includes the odd shopping list and what may be happening in the rest of life too! Written (badly) by Lily’s mum who is a bit obsessed with astrology. If you see her coming, cross the road - she won’t mind, she’s an Aquarian.

Time to start peeking (through our fingers maybe) at the FUTURE. It’s coming up fast on the inside. We are now entering Pisces season and our friendly Willesden Green neighbourhood shop keeper Lily was born under the sign of the two fishes herself. These fishes are swimming in two different directions which can make dealing with Piscean folks a bit confusing! However, we can always count on
them … and not just to be late!

Luckily for me, my daughter was also born with Aquarius moon so when she gets that steely look in her eyes, I know she means business and the dream is about to be manifested - pretty much on time.

Pisces is the last season of the astrological year before Aries brings in the Spring - hopefully like Winnie The Pooh's Tigger and not what the old sofa has to offer. It’s time to remember our own personal dreams, which may have been sidetracked through the long and tricky year we have had, and let some cunning plans come through.

So, what’s in store? Lots of lovely things actually and I’m not just talking shop. This Pisces season is going to be dreamy, glamorous and romantic - yes, really. There are some major and rare conjunctions occurring to give us focus, imagination, decision making abilities (we all need some of that) and 2 nice moons which will feel a lot smoother and dare I say enjoyable after the prickly moons we have had to struggle with of late. There is also the most magical coincidence of a beautiful New Moon on Mother’s Day! … just sayin’. You can also find fab gift ideas for your lovely Mum here if you're in need of a little inspiration! 

One thing to remember is to drink water and rest up when we’re tired - with all this intense planetary action going on in a water sign we may well find our bodies are telling us to rest and recuperate more often than usual, but don’t worry, it will be good for us.

Also, in case you haven’t dared to look back or forward in your diaries recently there is a 29th of February this year, also auspiciously aspected by the planets - so lovers, LOVE. It has been (and still will be for a while) a bit giddy, and I don’t mean in a thrilling way necessarily… more like being swung round and round by our hair or that disgusting spinning room thing after one too many at the pub. This is the push and pull of Venus and Mars. Feeling imbalanced and unequal all over the place is a bit much when we’re trying to keep a steady head to plan the future. The 29th of February can be an opportunity to turn that record over and pump up the volume. Maybe get a card and give it to ‘the one’ with ‘Marry Me’ emblazoned across the inside and feel all backed up by that lovely Leap Year tradition from the past. If the answer is NO then we finally know and can go - with our heads held high and steady I hope.

Now for the Shopping Forecast!

MAJOR DATES - romantic and otherwise.

February 22nd (lasting for quite a few weeks) - MARS CONJUNCT VENUS IN AQUARIUS - with PLUTO close-by!

This is love but not as we know it…being in Aquarius. Hopefully there will be love and peace floating around but there will definitely be some passion to our actions with Pluto hanging out on the corner looking our way. Or it may just be mind games…enjoy. This is quite a long lasting aspect and may have us dealing with serious things you have been ignoring. Also with Venus & Mars there is a risk of arguments blowing up, so with the Aquarian vibe to this it will be good to find the space for actually considering the other person’s viewpoint. Don’t argue, collaborate. What are the human connections which have brought us all together in the first place?

Shopping List - Smelling salts, bath salts (like these heavenly Plum & Ashby bath salts) or get a room! And buy a cucumber - for slicing and putting on our eyes! We may need to stay cool.

Heliotique | Plum & Ashby Bath Salts

February 24th - FULL MOON IN VIRGO

The moon will be shining brightly but wearing belt and braces in Virgo, helping to bring our heads and hearts together. Great for making intuitive and powerful decisions with an eye to what is really practical. The moon may be feeling a bit lonely with so many planets opposing her in Pisces but she has support from Uncle Jupiter in Taurus, helping to lighten the overload. The Moon will be faced by a Sun and Saturn conjunction so this is smooth energy for getting things done but Saturn on the Sun may just tire us out so don’t feel disheartened if you aren’t cruising
through your to-do list.

Shopping List - Let’s treat ourselves or someone we love to something for the home or make a special Full Moon dinner. While we’re at it we can start preparing a plan for this year’s early Mother’s Day and what would she like that shows some real thought? (browse the Heliotique Mother's Day gift edit for inspiration)…with this full moon in Virgo, the sign of service and craft, we may actually decide to make her something? I know it’s hard but we may get excited about it!

Heliotique | Plum & Ashby Wave of Light Candle


Here’s where Mercury joins the Sun and Saturn to help us get our heads into gear. Feb 28th is a great day for signing something or dismissing it altogether to free our elves up for something else. Getting real about stuff and coming up with practical solutions to problems. Saturn lends discipline, Mercury brings the ideas and the Sun in Pisces is lighting the touch-paper to get those dreams of ours into the real world. Other people or networks may be the key and Jupiter has all our backs now.

Shopping List - Get a notebook and pen for keeping stock of all these new ideas and contacts.

Heliotique | Shop all Pens & Books by Independent Brands


This is a day that has been slotted in to the diary for pure romance.

Shopping List - Cards for proposals!

Heliotique | Archivist Gallery Cherub Card



These two aspects can make life a little tricky. Maybe less money in our accounts than we thought. Maybe arguments brewing. Stuff is going on in the ether that is unexpected. It may feel like things are falling apart, maybe some things are coming to a close…stand back and take a break…have a Kitkat, or go the whole hog and have a Twix, you deserve it. Get plenty of rest during this period and try to get some peace.

Shopping List - food, makeup, vitamins.


Big Day people. Mother’s Day, ahem, not that I’m biased in any way. Also on this day The Oscars! So think glamour, romance, nostalgia. With this being a New Moon try bringing something NEW to this day, think outside of the Dairybox. The Sun and Moon are conjunct Neptune in Pisces, so go with the flow on this day, not expensive, just heartfelt.

Shopping List - Hopefully you are reading this before Mother’s Day because I have some suggestions. If you haven’t already come up with the perfect gift and haven’t had the time to get round to making something yourself then get down to Heliotique for something small but beautiful / practical / imaginative or soothing and give this as a small token of affection & appreciation! 

Heliotique | Elizabeth Scarlett Sun Goddess Velvet Eye Mask


Around this time and on this date exactly is great for art, music, creativity and spirituality and with Venus coming into the mix to form a stellium with Saturn in Pisces too, we have so many planets working together. We can have really productive and healing experiences through these soulful connections to love and the divine. Reach out to other people or just let loose in your own world of
creativity and dreaming. The muses are out there to be spoken with and we won’t need artificial stimulation for this translation. With Saturn and Neptune highly active it is not a good idea to slip into such temptations. Let’s be kind to ourselves and to others.

Shopping List - food for the soul.

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